Lol, all this happened in the course of one soccer game.
go ghana
bitch are you insulting italians? they’ll kick your ass anyday
I’ve seen better
its called a fucking joke
oh, the irony…
Its called a fucking joke
he’s left footed
before you make jokes get your facts right
(still funny as hell)
Yeah, he could at least offer him a game of hopscotch after the match.
I meant the video was made by Americans, not the sport.
because Bryan Carrasco wore red too,
and it’s not just Italians either
Kid sees guy in wheel chair.
Invites him to play soccer.
Is a douche.
actually futbol or soccor or football has been around longer then USA and its origin is around europe or asia
For some reason this really makes me think of the NBA…. strange.
you can if that’s what you call it in your culture, i honestly don’t care what you call it because to me it will still be baseball and soccer will still be soccer even if the rest of the world calls it football. saying something’s wrong just because it’s done differently in another country isn’t right. things are just different. i don’t get why you’re telling other people that they’re wrong about things done in their country and culture. it makes you look like an asshole to be honest :/
should i start calling baseball winkybottle then?
he looks like chris from everybody hates chris
just because our culture calls a sport by a different name doesn’t mean it’s wrong, just different.
25 Replies to “World’s Greatest Soccer Dive”
even tho spain beat them in euro 2012!!!!!!
Lol, all this happened in the course of one soccer game.
go ghana
bitch are you insulting italians? they’ll kick your ass anyday
I’ve seen better
its called a fucking joke
oh, the irony…
Its called a fucking joke
he’s left footed
before you make jokes get your facts right
(still funny as hell)
Yeah, he could at least offer him a game of hopscotch after the match.
I meant the video was made by Americans, not the sport.
because Bryan Carrasco wore red too,
and it’s not just Italians either
Kid sees guy in wheel chair.
Invites him to play soccer.
Is a douche.
actually futbol or soccor or football has been around longer then USA and its origin is around europe or asia
For some reason this really makes me think of the NBA…. strange.
you can if that’s what you call it in your culture, i honestly don’t care what you call it because to me it will still be baseball and soccer will still be soccer even if the rest of the world calls it football. saying something’s wrong just because it’s done differently in another country isn’t right. things are just different. i don’t get why you’re telling other people that they’re wrong about things done in their country and culture. it makes you look like an asshole to be honest :/
should i start calling baseball winkybottle then?
he looks like chris from everybody hates chris
just because our culture calls a sport by a different name doesn’t mean it’s wrong, just different.
he probally ment the movie lol
Yes you did. “It was MADE BY AMERICANS”
I mean the video. I do not mean the sport.
“IT WAS MADE BY AMERICANS, we call it Soccer”